Maarten van Rossem supports resistance against ‘sneaky’ Frans Klein

Maarten van Rossem finds it unbelievable that Frans Klein ‘has not lifted a leg’ against the terror of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. He thus supports the resistance against this NPO bobo.


Frans Klein, the television boss of the NPO who has overlooked the terror of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk for years, just wants to stay where he is. He pretends that his nose is bleeding, says he knew nothing about it and thus raises a huge middle finger to the victims of De Wereld Draait Door.

Martin critical

Opposition to Frans staying on is growing. And one of his biggest ratings guns, Maarten van Rossem, is also critical. “De Wereld Draait Door has fallen under a dark shadow and will always remain linked to the fairly dramatic behavior of the presenter,” says the jury member of De Slimste Mens in his podcast.

Then Maarten points to NPO top bobo Frans: “What is of course very sad about all this is that this has all taken years, that complaints and discussions have been made about it with some regularity, and that the authorities who deal with these kinds of matters simply have not lifted a leg.”

Does he mean Frans Klein? “Yes.”


Such a Frans should have just intervened, thinks Maarten. “I think one of the extra dramas in this situation is that those who could have done something about it in principle didn’t do anything about it.”

The presenter of the podcast then: “Do you think Frans Klein should leave? Or that there should be consequences?

Maarten: “That is entirely up to Frans Klein.” But: “All those involved have failed here painfully.”

Sneaky eyes

Story boss Guido den Aantractor thinks that Frans should leave. “Then you have such a Frans Klein, huh, the NPO boss… That man with those sneaky eyes, I think… That man himself was part of an integrity investigation a few years ago, because his integrity was called into question”, he says in Shownieuws.

“So it turned out that BNNVARA was looking for things in journalism that he had done wrong and then he said to BNNVARA, for example, research showed, as NPO director: ‘If you continue with this, I will make sure that you are less on TV and your business is jeopardized.’ So we deal with these kinds of people.”

‘you looked away’

Cops actress Maryam Hassouni, herself a victim of transgressive behaviour, finds it laughable that Frans says that victims should have reported to him. “They did, Mr. Director, but you looked away. Unfortunately, you are not the only one who bury your head in the sand at the NPO. That ostriching is called ‘failure’ and is bad!”, she tweets.

Presenter Talitha Muusse wants an investigation into Frans and his fellow directors, she tweets: “I would say an independent investigation into the entire top of the NPO. Drivers there often do nothing with reports.”

And Omroep MAX face Ron Vergouwen in RTL Boulevard: “Well, can Frans Klein stay in place? There is now a huge stain on his coat of arms, that is clear, so I think it will be difficult.”

Cowardly dog

Angela de Jong repeats today in her AD column that she finds Frans’ position untenable. “Any sane person sees that his position is utterly untenable. But the NPO thinks otherwise. And the broadcasting directors on whom I had pinned my hopes also jumped into the breach for Klein and Van Nieuwkerk this weekend.”

Among other things, she seems to point to Jan Slagter, boss of Omroep MAX. “All afraid of their own skin, because Frans can just deprive you of your place in the broadcast schedule”

“And French? He has been diving like a cowardly dog ​​for all the annoying questions for days now. Matthijs van Nieuwkerk is not the only one who should be ashamed.”
