Live NH Sport with Young Ajax – Telstar and Young AZ – MVV Maastricht

Telstar is the last of the North Holland professional clubs to start the new football competition tonight. Under the leadership of the new trainer Mike Snoei, the Velsenaren want to be a louse in the skin of the renowned teams that will play in the first division this season.

Telstar opens the competition at De Toekomst sports park against Young Ajax. The match starts at 8 p.m. and reporter Frank van der Meijden provides the commentary.

Not much further on, the ball will also roll at Jong AZ – MVV Maastricht at the same time. You can also follow that match live in the extra broadcast of NH Sport tonight. Erik-Jan Brinkman is the reporter in Wijdewormer.

The radio broadcast of NH Sport starts at 7 p.m. Your presenter is Edward Dekker.
