Leerlingen middelbare school VS vinden bewusteloze docent: overdose fentanyl will leraar bijna fataal | Buitenland

The Leerlingen van de Roosevelt School in Westfield, in the American state of New Jersey, took place on November 29, and the school was born on November 9th for the first class in New Zealand. Hun docent handenarbeid lay there consciously op de ground.

Because of this, the 57-year-old lecturer had taken an overdose of fentanyl at the age of 57. Because the man het voorval knew he was overliving, he had to thank aan het soon optreden van a gewaarschuwde agent. The direct de signal of an overdose and injection with naloxone hydrochloride. As a result, the agent in question said he was told that it was over and over with, so reports ‘The New York Post’.

Snel daarna vertoonde Thompson tekenen van verbetering. Tijdens een daaropvolgend onderzoek ontdekte de politie fentanyl and aanwerwante products in a kast in de klas. In a letter aan de Ouders shows the school district that the local daarop direct is afgestloten en ontsmet.

The lecturer is charged because of his possession of a certain substance, his possession of drugs parafernalia and het in certain circumstances of het welfare of children, aldus de politie. Op 1 februari means that the right to disappear.

KIJK. Agente acts by bloating aan fentanyl
