Israel bombs Gaza Strip after rocket attack from Lebanon

The Israeli army bombed the Gaza Strip on Thursday evening after 34 rockets were fired into Israeli territory from Lebanon earlier in the day. This is reported by the AP news agency.

According to the Israeli army, four sites of the military movement Hamas have been bombed. Two weapons factories and two tunnels would have been targeted. It is still unclear whether there have been any casualties.

Earlier in the day, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed after the rocket attacks from Lebanon that Israel’s enemies would “pay a price.” According to Lebanese authorities, the rockets were fired from a Palestinian refugee camp. An unknown Palestinian group is said to be behind it. Israel says Hamas is behind the attacks.

Read also: Violent clashes between Israeli authorities and Palestinians on Temple Mount

The attacks follow the recent outbreak of violence between Israel and the Palestinians. In recent days, violent clashes have erupted in various places in the occupied Palestinian territories in Israel. It was especially restless at the Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The place is a holy place for both Jews and Muslims. Violence is escalating as Muslims celebrate Ramadan and Jews celebrate Passover. This makes it busier than usual at the mosque.
