Why is the inflation now?
“That comes up to the name of the ener- gy price that doesn’t remain the same. The stabilization of the nu Plaatsvindt, zie je meteen doorswerken in de algemene inflatiecijfers. We arrive at high price levels, at a specified moment we have a gas price of up to 300 euros per megawatt hour. The energy market is long-term on the Afkoelen, but we still have high prices to make.”
Christine Lagarde, representative of the Europese Centrale Bank, shows that the inflation peak in the euro zone is not yet affected. Do we temper ons optimism?
“We would prefer to stay. We now only know that the inflation can also be considered: long periods of time have not been different than the current increase. The first thing to do is to be considered the first step, but the path is still long.
“It is currently a concern that the core inflation rate in Zug is 6.5 to 7.16 percent. The core inflation says, in the statement tot de algemene inflation, geen rekening met de prijsevolutie van ongewerkte voedingsmiddelen en de energieproducten. That was supposed to be simple, that houses were now being confronted with higher prices for sea-changing sorts of gods.
“Pas tegen het ande van 2023 zullen we were in de building zijn van de normal 2 percent inflation. He was wart bovendien guarded dat de economic big in Europe zal tolerated en dat we naar a stagnant economy zullen gaan.
“In one country, the large contract is stipulated, a mild recession is possible in the fourth quarter of the year of the first quarter of 2023. It is really clear that there is a gap in the arm. We would like him to reken mee blijven houden dat we in zeer onzekere tijden leven.”
How long does it come from inflation in Belgium for so long in Europe?
“Dat the inflation in Belgium is higher than that in many other Europese land heeft disappearing institutional speeches, such as the market structures. On the system of automatic loon indexing speelt bijvoorbeeld a role (also deze maand is de spilindex overschreden, waardoor lonen en uitkeringen weer 2 percent stijgen, red.).
“We really expect that small, open economies such as de one over het algemeen a higher inflation pressure. A good prospect for the Baltic states: the countries quoted with inflation rates of up to 20 percent.
“Het tegenovergestelde zien we in Frankrijk: de inflationiecijfers daar zijn bij de laagste van Europa. The most important declaration there is that the Franse overheid al heel vroeg in the energiecrisis heeft beslist om prijsverhogingen voor huishoudens en bedrijven wettelijk te beperken om the impact van de prijsstijgingen op de international markt te minimalisten.”
How do you want to consume it?
“We would not like to hope that our energierekeningen will soon increase towards the level of the energy crisis, the gas prices will increase relatively quickly. Also, we can do that in the following year, as a general rule, the price of goods will be added, is virtually nil. The core inflation is structurally from aard, the tanker is much more mobile. Op termijn, naarmate de economy stagneert, zullen we real weer naar iets more normal levels gaan.”