‘In deze organisatie heb je mensen the uit frustratie reacten. Het emotionele laat ik opzij liggen’

For which uitdagingen state u?

“Our service is separate from the political work. There is a number of large sections. I know that the functions are April 2019 ad interim. We didn’t want to because of the political state. We raise bijvoorbeeld nog te weinig een cultuur van informatiedeling, zowel internally than to other veiligheidspartners toe. Het is vooral een uitdaging om de politie kleurrijker te maken. Recruiting remains the same as we would like to have on one edge, but on the other edge will also be different recruiters.”

U raises more information about local recruits. Werpt dit zijn vruchten af?

“We have a new system for local politics that is specific to our campaigns. Previously, this would be done in a centralized manner, with all national campaigns. I hoop met de nieuwe aanpak effectief meeren within te halen van verschillende origine. Antwerpen kwam al in 2016 bij ons om steun te vragen voor de oprichting van een own recruiting service, en de city kon zo meer diversityit aantrekken. Ze wisten naar wilke schollen and wilke wijken ze most gaan om candidates te vinden.

“Mensen in the organization of diversity is important. So I want recruiters to make full use of the western bias. I’ve noticed beforehand that there’s a stronger response in people’s social responses, but that’s why all the groups are there before the situation.”

U bent not all op zoek naar speurders, he is also a big tekort aan specialized mensen, so as IT’ers. Hoe trekt u hen aan?

“It’ers been taken away by accident when we weren’t studying, we wanted to do that. Lesgeven over cybercrime bijvoorbeeld, appeal to a maatschappelijke bijdrage which ze can deliver. Vroeger wild mensen een loopbaan bij de politie. May be known also mensen a contract for a contract from a year. We want IT’ers to send a request with a daily package taken. Dat ze over vijf jaar can zeggen: de politie has become more digital and ik heb daaraan meegewerkt. Once a year has been done, none of the political issues in the future will be automatically determined. That’s so different now.”

What does it say about digitization on the agenda?

“Elk operationeel proces must be better digitaal special stone. Vroeger ever worked with databases, now we work more with data that have been brought to seed. Depending on the basis of the profile of a medewerker tot wilted data while working together. The link with privacy is considered to be important: each moet must be raised om bepaalde vragen te put aan data. When the information is processed, it is possible to recognize artificial intelligence from the use of cartridges. Of the prior uitgebreid, is aan de overheid. Dat ligt zeer completely, no grandchildren may ever like it. Maar we would like to say that there are a number of things that can be done in an answer to AI maatschappel.”

U worked in 1997 mee aan de politiehervorming in het Zuid-Afrika van na de apartheid. Then you grow old on ‘common ground’. Waarom past dit bij u?

“I would like to avoid the conflict as a way of dealing with it. I don’t think there’s a conflict either way. When I got a mail krijg, bel ik the person op. Ik probeer altijd first te luisteren. Of I have patience? Yes, we may also have a number of incashing assets. In deze organisatie each person raised the emotions of vanuit frustration reacten. Het emotionele laat ik opzij liggen en ik ga op zoek naar het rationalele: waarmee kan ik helpen? I can tell you about a bladzijde omslaan.”
