Here is the hit potato of the summer – The popular chip flavor also works with this potato

Sourcream & onion is an all-time favorite for chips. Grill the early potatoes to the same taste.

French cream flavored with onions is a delicious combination with potatoes. Eeva Paljakka

Do you love the familiar sourcream & onion taste of potato chips? Serve early potatoes (or why not other potatoes) seasoned with this delicious flavor.

Add onion powder to the cream, grill or roast the potatoes in the oven and eat them seasoned with cream. If you don’t have early potatoes, you can boil regular potatoes and roast them for a barbecue taste.

This potato is guaranteed to be a summer hit.

Grill the potatoes rolled in oil on a grill plate. Eeva Paljakka

Sourcream & onion fries

1 kg of small early potatoes

2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil

2–3 teaspoons of salt


2 cups (150 g) sour cream

2 teaspoons of onion powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

4 stalks of spring onion, spring onion or chives

ground black pepper

dried onion (if you want more grits)

1. Wash the potatoes and dry them with paper towels. Turn the potatoes in a bowl in oil and season with salt.

2. Grill the potatoes on the grill plate, turning occasionally, for about 15 minutes. You can also cook the potatoes at 225 degrees on a baking sheet on the top shelf of the oven for about 30 minutes, until the potatoes are cooked and the surface has acquired color. The cooking time depends on the size of the potatoes.

3. Mix the sour cream, onion powder and salt together. Put the sauce in the fridge to season for 15 minutes. Slice the onion stalks.

4. Spread the crème fraîche on a flat serving plate. Place the grilled potatoes on top and sprinkle onion stalks or chives and dried onions on top.

Dried onion completes the dish. Eeva Paljakka


Inquiries: Grille, Mustang Sapphire

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