Heiloose neighborhood is tired of broken transmission tower between homes: “But he stays”

When you enter Oosterzij Zuid in Heiloo, it is a strange sight. Tower in the middle of the residential area a transmission tower above all buildings. According to most neighbors, a cell tower does not belong in a residential area. After the top cracks due to storms, local residents are extra worried. Except neighbor John Geels, but he is also the owner of the transmission tower. “He should not leave, he should be weighted so that this can happen less quickly.”

Radio mast John Geels – NH Nieuws

“This time the top of the mast got stuck in the mast itself, but what if it had fallen on someone’s head or worse?”, says neighbor Dirk Vermeij. Another neighbor agrees with Dirk. “It is not the first time that the top of the mast breaks, two years ago the mast fell through the roof of my shed,” said the neighbor.


According to owner John, the solution is to make the mast heavier. But the neighborhood was resolutely against this and an objection has been lodged with the municipality.

During a round of NH Nieuws through the neighborhood, a resident indicates that they have withdrawn their objection after the storm. “We live nearby and do not want the mast to break again, we have withdrawn our objection and have also made this known to Mr Geels.” The tour of the neighborhood shows that the general sentiment is mainly against the transmission tower.

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damage to the neighbor’s roof after the transmission mast broke 2 years ago

“That top piece is for the radio and he will just hang it back soon,” says neighbor Dirk. Owner John explains that the top part of the mast is designed to sway in the wind.

Metal fatigue can develop after a number of years and then it can break down. “Just as a roof tile can blow off your house during a storm, it can also blow off the mast”. As a reassurance for the neighborhood, he does indicate that he wants to secure the top with a chain, so that next time it also hangs on the mast and can cause no damage.

With the application for reinforcement, the owner wants to hang 5G equipment from three telecom providers in the mast. Local residents have successfully appealed against this. John has appealed again.

The radio mast has been there since 1997, even before the district was built. “If people buy a house next to a transmission tower, they should not whine about it afterwards,” said the owner.

A neighbor confirms that the mast was indeed already there before he moved in. “You will notice that less when buying. But the mast is continuously being heavier, and that’s what you worry about. Also about what you read about radiation. We want something to happen now, better late than never,” said Mr. neighbor Dirk Verwij.

Concerns about cell towers

An expert tells NH Nieuws that broadcasting towers are often privately owned or owned by a number of investors. If the mast was weighted or replaced earlier, it will not snap in a storm.

He also recognizes the resistance of the neighbourhood: “During my work I am often busy exploring new locations and the neighborhood always revolts. Obtaining an environmental permit often takes years due to all kinds of objections from local residents.”

Residents are often afraid of radiation. The expert indicates that there is still a lot of discussion about how risky that radiation is.

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