‘He is at home in Almere’

After six months abroad, Ali B has finally been spotted in the Netherlands. A spy of Yvonne Coldeweijer has photographed him at his own home in Almere.

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It has been almost half a year since the abuse scandal around The Voice of Holland broke out and Ali B has not dared to show himself in the Netherlands since then. Now, according to showbiz hyena Yvonne Coldeweijer, he is back in the polder, but she does not yet know what the reason is.

“There he is again!”

Ali was photographed right in front of his house, in the Noorderplassen in Almere. “There issue again ?”, Yvonne writes on her juice channel† “Ali B is back in the Netherlands for the first time after six months. Spies already saw him driving through Almere by car, but now for the first time a photo with proof.”

What exactly are we seeing in that photo? “Aal is standing here in front of his own house with his son. Is he here for an interrogation? Vacation? Or is he back for good? Detective Yv is going to find out.”

Police interrogation?

Of course it could very well be that Ali is back for a police interrogation. The rapper is accused of rape and his lawyer Bart Swier called at the end of April that the rapper would be interrogated at the end of May or early June. It is not clear whether that happened then; at least he hasn’t been spotted by anyone.

Bart at the time: “Ali will finally be heard soon. That took far too long, but I think that is due to a lack of capacity in the vice squad. Well, it’s going to happen. Only then will the Public Prosecution Service make a decision.”

Weak case

Incidentally, Bart expressed the expectation at the time that the Public Prosecution Service will ultimately not start a case against Ali. “I do not think so. I think it’s a very weak case. I very much hope that the Public Prosecution Service will keep its back straight and will look purely on the basis of evidence: is this a feasible case? I do not think so.”

“Or will the media attention play a role in summoning him after all? That is what Ali is very afraid of.”


Yvonne’s story:
