Fernando Burlando’s mask

For many years, Fernando Burlando he boasted of being the “lawyer of the bad guys”; a technician who is not interested in “the human face of people” (textual in NEWS of March 1, 2003) but rather to win lawsuits and get paid to do so.

In honor of that profile fired by himself, it is logical to imagine that if the crime of Fernando Baez Sosa Had it happened twenty years ago, Burlando could be adding high-end consumptions -which he always exhibited as professional trophies- thanks to the onerous defense of the accused.

But the billing criminal lawyer now has other intentions that are incompatible with that version of success. Launching into a political career imposes that quota of demagogic empathy that can only be achieved on the side of the good guys. Candidacy kills wallet. Although, let’s agree, the economic resignation of representing a family without resources to meet their fees is comfortably compensated by the media omnipresence (free) that the case gave him. Who does not know today the fervent motor of this noble cause that is passionate about bringing justice to two devastated parents? An impeccable move political marketingwhile the first posters of his candidacy for Buenos Aires governor begin to circulate.

Nobody knew him Fernando Burlando when he assumed the defense of the murderers of our companion Jose Luis Cabezasa crime that this week marked the 26th anniversary.

After the failure of false leads with which the Buenos Aires police had diverted the murder investigation, the denunciation of a political leader finally opened the way for the gang made up of Retana, González, Braga and Auge, four lumpens from the La Plata neighborhood of the ovens that, commanded by the police Gustavo Prellezo -former number 2 of the Pinamar headquarters- had kidnapped, tortured and finally collaborated in the execution of José Luis and the burning of his body.

Petty criminals who oscillated between the rented militancy and the Estudiantes bar, “the bakers” recruited by Prellezo obtained the defense of a certain Burlando, unknown 32-year-old criminal on which extortion complaints weighed in the famous case of the parallel customs that earned judge Carlos Branca the dismissal.

It was never known who paid him to defend the henchmen of the policeman convicted of shooting Cabezas. He even said that he received money from then Governor Duhalde; he later said it was a joke. The short past of him made him look in another direction: The young Burlando had fluid ties with the Buenos Airesperhaps as a paternal legacy: Julio Desiderio Burlando was, in addition to a criminal judge in La Plata, a teacher at the Juan Vucetich Police School.

The most direct link with that Damn police It was his friendship with Mario “Chorizo” Rodríguez, the former head of the DDI of La Matanza in the ’90s, a member of the small circle of the disastrous Peter Klodzykand first cousin of the former commissioner of Pinamar, Alberto “the hare” Gomez, convicted of freeing the area for the crime of José Luis. Burlando always recognized Rodríguez as a brother. In those years, Burlando Junior used to legally assist policemen in trouble and as a defender of the bakers he seemed more willing to admit his key role in the crime in order to minimize the responsibility of the policemen involved.

Now on an epic mission, whitewashed for the electoral occasion, he augurs the hour of the just, greets the excited public and lets himself be cheered. He is assisted by the benefit of oblivion.

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