Emilie ran a marathon in a dump truck – Bare buttocks on display

Emilie Nereng lost her memory in the middle of the run.

Emilie Nereng had a hard time during the marathon. PDO

A very popular influencer in the food industry Emilie Nereng29, participated in a wine marathon in the summer of 2023 in Bordeaux, France.

Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation NRK tells about an event where you run 42 kilometers and drink 23 glasses of wine at the same time.

The brutal performance took its toll on Nereng. He lost his memory after 25 kilometers, fell on his face and damaged two of his teeth. The woman hobbled to the finish line with her face covered in blood.

Nereng also got rid of all the obstacles along the way. When he had a bathroom emergency, he just crouched down by the side of the road and peed on the ground.

In the event, people ran in fancy dress. Many of the participants had put on costumes that were completely frivolous.

– You could see a lot of bare behinds on the road. Many ran in just an apron, Nereng recalls.

A year and a half after the event, Nereng tells NRK that he fell in love with the atmosphere of the wine marathon – as violent as it sounds.

– It was absolutely fantastic. I’ve never been in a competition where there’s so much focus on the social side. There were groups of friends, families and stag parties. Everyone ran as far as they wanted and sang at the same time, he enthuses.

The social media influencer was unable to train properly for 3-4 months after his marathon.

That’s how many calories alcohol contains. IL-TV
