Eindhoven Airport can take over eight flights from Schiphol

Eindhoven Airport can take over eight flights from Schiphol this weekend, which again expects large crowds on Saturday and Sunday. A spokesperson for Eindhoven Airport said on Thursday evening that an inventory has been made of whether and how the airport can relieve Schiphol. Because it will also be busy at Eindhoven airport, it can only take eight flights. It is not yet known whether Schiphol will make use of the offer, the spokesperson said. Rotterdam Ten Hague Airport is also looking at how and whether it can help Schiphol by taking over flights.

Also read: Schiphol director Benschop wants to limit the number of flights if there are too few staff

Last weekend Schiphol had to cancel dozens of flights because it was practically impossible to carry them out. There were chaotic scenes at the airport, with long queues. Schiphol is faced with a staff shortage. Director Dick Benschop apologized for this. “The May holiday hurts,” said Benschop. “This is not the level of quality that you can expect from Schiphol.” Despite this, the company could not guarantee on Thursday that all flights could continue this weekend.

One of the ways to keep the situation at Schiphol manageable is to have flights depart from other airports. The airport hopes that this will prevent flights having to be canceled again. Eindhoven Airport is the first to report. Rotterdam Ten Hague Airport is still investigating whether and how many flights it can take over from Schiphol. “In any case, there are less than ten,” said a spokesman. However, travel organization Corendon has previously decided to move three flights from Schiphol to Rotterdam.
