Dog Lizzie has also been missing for four months, but her owner remains hopeful and continues the search. Beverwijker Siem Weterings, on the other hand, is completely done with it. He mainly sees a proliferation of signs for missing animals and thinks that the owner should remove the signs.
You know them: the plasticized signs around trees, lampposts and bus shelters showing a missing cat or dog, such as the missing Lizzie. Dog Search volunteers help Joke Bloemhof find her dog Lizzie with no fewer than 800 plasticized signs. Precisely because people still have hope after four months.
Siem Weterings would rather see the enormous number of signs disappear and shared his opinion in a funny piece via the local newspaper. In the meantime, his email is filling up with all kinds of hateful reactions because of his criticism of the signs.
Animal lover
“I’m less annoyed by the signs now, but especially by the reactions. That people email me saying that I don’t like animals. Ha! If anyone likes animals, it’s me. I think those signs are trash after four months. Just clean it up neatly. That’s not too much to ask, is it?”
“We think Lizzie can still be found and are therefore not giving up,” said volunteer Mariëlle van der Eem of Dog Search. “If she has wandered into the dune area, she has little chance of survival, but it may be that Lizzie has been let in by someone. If we find her or if we no longer receive sighting reports for a longer period of time, we will neatly remove all signs with her image. .”