Ecuador roept noodtoestand uit in door drugssmokkel met regio’s | Buitenland

Ecuador had the day before the beginning of the month in Guayaquil, the most important haven in the country, and also in two other provinces that had been hit by drugs.

The noodtoestand is in the city of Guayaquil, near Duran and Samborondon, and in the provinces of Santa Elena and Los Rios, when President Guillermo Lasso is in charge of the radio and televisie. The President will not show up before the Noodtoestand for a period of time. An avondklok counts from 1 to 5 o’clock at night.

The reason for Ecuador being the president of the power om de noodtoestand after te kondigen en het leger in te zetten with big internal problems in the country. “We raise a common law, delinquency, drugs trafficking and organized criminal activities”, the law of the President. In 2022 the noodtoestand al three keer will be established in Guayaquil.

Aantal moorden dubbed

Ecuador, since Colombia and Peru are the only producers of cocaine that were known in 2021 to record 210 tons of drugs in Beslag, for cocaine. Bestmming goods de Europese havens. In 2022 het opnieuw om sea went dan 200 tons. The regering verklaarde de oorlog aan de drugssmokkelaars, maar the uses are welded om your smokkelroutes te beschermen. In 2022 het aantal moorden will be doubled per inwoner tegenover 2021: from 14 to 25 per 100,000 inwoners, aldus de overheid.

LEES OOK. Javier* done over superdrugskartel dat cocaïne brengt tot Antwerpse haven: “De Albanezen hebben de leiding over de koopwaar”(+)
