Did you know? The tragic true story behind The Grinch Christmas movie

The hit movie The Grinch is based on a book that was inspired by the tragic story.

The Grinch movie was awarded the Oscar for best costume design. PDO

2000 movie The Grinch is one of the Christmas classics. However, many do not know that the film is based on it How the Grinch Stole Christmas! -book, whose story was born from a real-life tragedy.

Mirror– according to the news site, the writer Dr. Seussproperly named Theodor Seuss Geiselwas inspired to write a story about the Grinch character when his wife suffered a stroke. Seuss has said that his book was based on his wife’s struggles with her health concerns and his own hatred of the commercialization of Christmas. According to Seuss, his anger made him feel “Grinch-like.”

Dr. Seuss’ book about the Grinch character was based on his own hatred of Christmas and his wife’s health concerns. PDO

Tragic turns have also happened to the film’s actors over the years. Played Cindy’s child in the movie Taylor Momsen31, moved into the music industry, but despite her success, she has struggled with depression and substance abuse.

According to the Mirror, two friends in Momsen’s circle of friends died, one of whom was known from Soundgarden Chris Cornell. With his loss, Momsen announced Metromagazine in 2018 that he decided to leave the spotlight and focus on his health and travel.

Taylor Momsen has lived a quiet life. PDO

The one who played the child version of the Grinch character By Joshua Ryan Evans had the growth disorder achondroplasia, which made him look and sound like a small child despite his age. After the film, he acted in, among other things Passion-series until 2002, when he died of complications during surgery. He was 20 years old when he died.

Joshua Ryan Evans died in 2002. PDO

Grinch’s childhood crush played by Martha May Whovier Christine Baranski72, also experienced a tragic turn in her life in 2014 when her husband died of heart failure at the age of 69. The couple had been married for 30 years and have daughters Isabel and Lily.

Even after The Grinch, Baranski has created a successful career. He has been seen, among other things Mamma Mia! in the movie as well Rills in the mist– and The Gilded Age in series.

Christine Baranski lost her husband in 2014. PDO

The one who played the main role himself With Jim Carrey62, was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression in 2004. It wasn’t until years later that Carrey spoke to the media about his problems. Today, he has recovered from depression and is receiving appropriate treatment for his bipolar disorder.

In September 2015 Carrey’s ex-girlfriend Cathriona White died of an overdose. White’s husband and mother sued Carrey, alleging that he was passing drugs under a fake name to his ex-girlfriend. He claimed that Carrey would have used his position and wealth to obtain powerful painkillers for White and thus Carrey would have been complicit in her death. According to the Mirror, the claims were dismissed.

In addition to The Grinch, Jim Carrey has starred in, among others, Sonic the Movie, The Mask, and Dudley and Dudley. PDO

The Grinch movie is about a green hermit who hates Christmas. He decides to steal Christmas from Whoville, but the kind-hearted girl Cindy tries to make him change his idea of ​​Christmas.
