Child health, the ISS survey on the first 1000 days

Tbefore assimilated good practices but at least two big mistakes, which could compromise the well-being of the little ones. In summary, the results of the Surveillance system 0-2 years on the main determinants of child health – Surveillance Children 0-2 years. A study promoted by the Ministry of Health and coordinated by the ISS, carried out in collaboration with the Regions. For example, the majority of mothers, more than 9 out of 10, reported that they had not smoked during pregnancy. And over 8 out of 10 have not consumed alcoholic beverages. However, there are still too many children (38%) potentially exposed to secondhand smoke due to the presence of at least a parent and/or other cohabiting person who is a smoker. Furthermore, between 11 and 15 months, over half of the little ones are already exposed to screens, including TVs, computers, tablets or mobile phones. Other critical topics, thefolic acid (only a third take it appropriately starting one month before conception). And car seats: over a third of mothers find it difficult to fit their children in, well fastened.

The importance of the first 1000 days of life for the health of the child

Surveillance involved a total of over 35 thousand mothers, interviewed in the Vaccination Centers of the participating Regions. And consider as a time frame of investigation the first 1000 days of a child’s life, those between conception and the first 2 years of life. A crucial period of time to create the best conditions for child health, for healthy development and to reduce health inequalities. In fact, in this time window the organs are defined which, in their functions, are affected by exposure to genetic, psychophysical, relational and environmental factors.

The cradle position to prevent the risk of Sids

Another topic highlighted for the health of the child is that of safety in sleep. Especially with regards to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), a leading cause of post-neonatal death. Among the simple and effective interventions to reduce the risk is recommended put the baby to sleep in the supine position. The survey shows that two thirds of mothers actually put their baby to sleep on his stomach (66.7%) with a range between 53.2% and 79%. But the adoption of positions other than the recommended one is also frequent, with 18.7% of mothers placing the baby in the cradle sideways.

Exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months for the baby’s health

With regard to breastfeeding, WHO and Unicef ​​recommend breastfeed exclusively up to 6 months of age of the child and to prolong breastfeeding up to 2 years and beyond, if desired by the mother and the child. The results of the Surveillance show that 30% of children in the 4-5 month age group are breastfed exclusively, with a high regional variability characterized by lower rates in the southern regions and between 13.5% and 43.2%. On the other hand, 13% of children have never been breastfed, with shares tend to be higher in the southern regions and overall comprised between 7% and 17.2%. But if the topic of breastfeeding can actually be critical for many women and may not depend on their will, intelligent entertainment is instead within the reach of every parent.

Elsa Hosk breastfeeds her daughter in the car during the break from shooting

Too many tablets, too few books: how parents entertain their newborns

Unfortunately, however, the study reveals that many children (22.1% of 2-5 month olds) spend time in front of TV, computer, tablet or mobile phone starting from the first months of life. Most exposed children spend less than an hour a day in front of a screen and from 1.9% to 9.1% spend at least 1-2 hours on it. Levels of exposure grow with increasing age in all regions and, among 11-15 month old children, the quotas that pass at least 1-2 hours a day in front of a screen they vary between 6.5% and 39.3%. Children are more exposed to screens in the southern regions. With proven and increasing consequences on the psychophysical health of children – sleep, emotional and social disorders. It is therefore at least recommended to use these technologies in the presence of an adult and to avoid their use among children under 2 years of age.

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Vice versa, there are few children to whom mom and dad read a book. The share of those who have not read anything in the week preceding the interview is equal to 58.3% in the 2-5 month age group, and 32.6% among children aged 11-15 months. And instead reading regularly to the child from the first months of life means contributing to his cognitive, emotional and relational development.

