Child abduction: the new tools available to combat the phenomenon

Fiorenza Sarzanini (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

No.Nobody knows anything about them anymore. They disappeared without ever giving news of themselves, as if they had never formed a bond, as if they had never had any affection.

From 1 January to 30 November 2021, 17,650 missing person reports were filed, 8,883 people were not found. Among them there are 9,656 minors, 640 are Italians. Swallowed in a black hole.

The searches were unsuccessful, but they did not stop. And precisely to restore hope to families, but also to those who could be victims and live in constraint, it was decided to use every tool, even the most futuristic one, to bring them back home.

This is the goal of Silvana Riccio, prefect and commissioner for missing persons of the Ministry of the Interior. Its annual report reveals an unknown world, but above all it reveals that much can be done to counter this phenomenon.

Riccio says it clearly: “Over the years we have gone from the need to study and manage an emergency, even on the emotional wave aroused by media famous cases, to the awareness of being faced with a physiological phenomenon to be countered. In other words, a cultural change is taking place: to the inevitable search for the missing, it is being added a strong commitment to prevent the phenomenon, especially as regards minors of age “.

Among the new systems is that of research with tools made available by the space agency and the “rapid alert”, on the American model AMBER, acronym for America’s Missing Broadcast Emergency Response. It was developed in 1996 when Amber Hagerman, a 9-year-old girl found dead a few days later a short distance from home, went missing in Texas.

«The system allows broadcasters and the media, as well as authorities and transport companies to to intervene immediately in the sharing of information on kidnappings or disappearances of minors and to civil society and to volunteer to participate in searches“. All committed so that there is no longer even a child who disappears and no one is able to know what has happened.

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All the articles by Fiorenza Sarzanini

