Catania, crisis resolved: the new owner of the club is Benedetto Mancini

At the third auction in court, the Lazio entrepreneur was the only one to present the offer. Okay expected by the hour: “Now I’m waiting for the fans at the stadium”

The only one to submit an offer to the court was Benedetto Mancini. The Lazio entrepreneur, after the opening of the envelopes for the third competitive auction announced by the Etna court, is the new owner of Catania, which participates in the Serie C championship (group C). In the next few hours, the Court, which is examining all the documents and sent them to the bankruptcy trustees, should give the go-ahead to allow the entrepreneur to start working as an owner, putting an end to a wait that lasted from 22 December last. , the day in which the same Court had declared the bankruptcy of the club, starting a provisional exercise extended four times to allow the bankruptcy trustees to manage the ordinary activities, mainly training and competitions of the first team and youth teams.

Difficulties and uncertainties

In the afternoon Mancini went to Torre del Grifo to meet the manager of the sports area, Maurizio Pellegrino, the coach Francesco Baldini, the players and the staff who have managed the season up to now amidst many difficulties and as many uncertainties. “It is my intention to continue on this path – the first words of the new owner – without any upheavals on a technical and organizational level. I await the fans at the stadium tomorrow (Catania will receive Campobasso in the midweek round, the start at 21, ed) there is a game to play and I’m sure this team can fight to get into the playoffs. Then we will lay the foundations to ensure a solid future ”.
