Caroline Tensen always wants to weigh exactly between 68 and 70 kilos

As a major television star, Caroline Tensen has built in a safety margin when it comes to her weight. She wants to weigh no more than 70 kilograms and to guard that limit, she is now two kilograms below that.

© Coffee time

There are few certainties in life, but the fact that Caroline Tensen will never end up on the guest list of Zomergasten is certainly one. Her interviews really never get beyond chattering about how amazing her living powder brush Leco van Zadelhoff is and how the hairstyle he created on her would be so legendary.

No more 83 kilos

This time Caroline is in the Story with an interview. Is there anything meaningful in it? No. Now she’s talking about her weight again. “I’m sure I never want to weigh 83 kilos again. That made me very unhappy. I then drastically changed everything in my life in terms of food and exercise. As a result, I lost 13 kilos,” she says.

Did she manage to hold on to those 70 kilos? Yes, says Caroline. “I am now 15 kilos less,” explains the presenter. Now she weighs 68 kilos. “The reason is that I wanted to have some margin. When I’m at a party, I want to be able to drink and eat what I want.”

Safety margin

As a big TV star, Caroline uses a safety margin, where she can fluctuate between 68 and 70 kilos. “If I gain a kilo, it’s not a big deal. It is often said that maintaining weight after losing so much weight is the hardest part. That is possible, but I have that goal in mind that I never want to weigh 83 kilos again.”

How does she keep that up? “I drink and eat normally on normal days. And if bitterballen pass by, I eat one instead of five. And no sugars, no carbohydrates. This is how I keep my weight. It has really become a lifestyle.”

Secretly stretched

Incidentally, it is striking that Caroline now suddenly calls out that she wants to weigh between 68 and 70 kilograms, because two years ago – in December 2020 – she said that she always weighs exactly 67 kilograms during TV recordings.

The presenter: “If you are over 55 and heavier, it makes you look old. So when I start a new series of One against 100 – that program has been running for twenty years, hasn’t it! – I will make sure that I weigh 67 kilos again.”

What a situation.


Caroline when Leco has a hangover:
