BV 24/7. Two Moles together and Eline De Munck enjoying the morning sun | showbiz

The show must go on, because the Showbiz world never stands still. Discover what your favorite BVs have been up to in the last 24 hours here in our news stream.

Sarah PuttemansViktor Verhulst’s girlfriend, is enjoying the sun in Saint-Tropez.

Apollo, the son of Nataliais now 5 months old.

A morning walk in the sun. That’s all you need Eline De Munck not to be.

Pieter Loridon looking forward to his 50th birthday in a few months.

“Welcome to the list, Uma. Great job!”, sounds the ex-mole Gilles Van Bouwel

Sam Gooris celebrates his birthday daughter Shania with a photo from the old box.

‘s son Esther from ‘Blindly Married’ turned two years old. “My pride for 2 years now”, it sounds on Instagram.
