Boektopia will be a major book fair, Kortrijk will be the host city

Boektopia will be a major book fair, Kortrijk will be the host city

Flemish Prime Minister and Minister of Culture Jan Jambon announced this on Thursday. He is “extremely happy” with Boektopia. “In doing so, we fill the gap that arose after the disappearance of the traditional Antwerp book fair.” There was already a first small edition of Boektopia, which is now making a new start as a large-scale book fair, in Kortrijk, which attracted 28,000 visitors last year.

This year Boektopia will take place from 28 October to 5 November, with Kortrijk Xpo as the central hub. Readers can browse in “the largest bookshop in Flanders” and meet hundreds of national and international authors. At the same time, during the whole month of November, activities will take place all over Flanders in numerous bookshops, libraries, schools and on the stages of literary organisations.

It has not yet been decided where Boektopia will take place in 2024.

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