Blurred photos of motionless families by Valerio Lundini: the review by Serena Dandini

Serena Dandini (photo by Gianmarco Chieregato).

THECynicism is an art when it is in the service of comedybut it is an arduous path to travel. Only a select few manage to ride the perfidious and excruciating irony without falling into narcissistic complacency or wickedness for its own sake and one of these is surely Valerio Lundini.

Basically indefinable: comedian, TV personality, fantasist, musician and also a writer to the second collection of short stories in the library with Blurred photos of motionless families for Rizzoli Lizard.

After the genius of Corrado Guzzanti with whom I had the pleasure of working for a long time, no notable talents had appeared on the horizon, outside the pack, then this thin and wild-eyed boy appeared who could seem like the shy cousin you meet only at Christmas, introverted and with some trauma. Suddenly the landscape lit up.

Blurred photos of motionless families by Valerio Lundini for Rizzoli Lizard.

His TV show, A piece of Lundiniignited the weary programming with a spark of surreal dadaism and reminded us that it is possible to laugh intelligently out of the usual and worn-out stereotypes to which the epic of formats has accustomed us: thanks also to the female presence of an extraordinary actress like Emanuela Fanelli, the perfect partner in this small program which created an army of adoring fans.

There are few things I regret in my professional life, certainly one is not having taken the opportunity to work with Valerioeven if I had the opportunity, but on this very episode he managed to build a hilarious gag in his theatrical show and this was enough for me to feel satisfied.

Talking about his new literary work without falling into rhetoric is a feat because unfortunately Lundini is good, he writes well and each story has more ideas and flashes than entire novels that crowd our shelves.

It is also useless to tell you in detail about the content of Blurred photos …: is a foray through our contemporary obsessions, a collection of characters prey to tics and foibles dictated by the often useless efforts to live up to a presumed modernity and moreover, like any self-respecting true writer, a poetic vein of nostalgia can be glimpsed between the lines, even if the author perhaps had not foreseen it.

To honor him I should have jokingly reviewed another book, perhaps The research by Proust, and then at the end simply say “oops I was wrong…”.

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I liked it but as Lundini himself warns: «If you don’t like it, OH, PATIENCE».

All articles by Serena Dandini.

