Batistuta defends himself: “Here are the homes for our staff. Protected workers”

The bomber posts the photos on twitter and claims: “Everything done according to the law and according to union agreements”

Gabriel Batistuta it doesn’t fit. The former Fiorentina bomber, accused of ill-treatment of his workers, replied via twitter by posting some photos of his field, called “El Bati”, in the province of Santa Fe: “These are the 35 houses for the use of our staff and their families, we build a house a year. We have invested in the school, in the roads, in electricity and in solar panels. Our workers are hired according to the law of the LCT and the statute of rural workers – writes Batistuta -. We respect union agreements, we have an occupational doctor and a graduate in occupational health and safety on a permanent basis to check the conditions of the entire plant. These photos are from today. Is all this a violation?”.
