Audio books: “The wars of Ulysses” between myth and modernity

Land wars of Ulysses from Edimill Media (€ 4.99), written by Patrizio Bianchi, Minister of Education of the Draghi Government, is a monologue recited by the voice of Luca Violini and accompanied by the original music by Marco Somadossi, performed by youth band “John Lennon” directed by Mirco Besutti.

The wars of Ulysses today

The wars of Ulysses revisits Iliad and Odysseyand like any successful operation of reinterpretation of the classics asks questions on some key themes of existence: power, war, loyaltythirst for knowledge, authority and authoritarianism, democracy and peace …
De The wars of Ulysses we talk with Mirco Besutti, president of the music schools of the province of Modena and the Mirandola music school.

Regional law on music

«The idea of ​​producing a work, then transferred to this audiobook, starting from The wars of Ulysses with the original music of Marco Somadossi it was also born why in Emilia Romagna there is particular attention to musical educationwhich led in 2018 to the approval of the only regional law on music education and which is in perfect linearity with the activity of the John Lennon band supported by the Carlo and Guglielmo Andreoli Music School Foundation, which brings together 9 municipalities in the province of Modena and a banking foundation and which supports the passion of 1300 studentsof which about 10 per cent with disabilities, active in extra-curricular courses and of 6-7 thousand children in curricular courses ».

Amateurs on tour

The John Lennon Band in action.

“Those of the John Lennon Gang they are non-professional musicians, from 13 to 25 years old, who play wind instruments and percussion and perform every year on tour, with original texts but for example with the accompaniment of Verdi’s music. We have been to Japan, Korea, Spain … “

Books on holiday: five Witch Awards to read in relaxation

Authors as well as performers

For The wars of Ulysses we have chosen to build a different path, during the months still marked by Covid restrictions. From October 2021 to January 2022 we met with Luca Violini, narrator de Le guerre di Ulisse, and with the composer Marco Somadossi.

The performance was modeled together with the boys to whom the text was presented, which was then limited after a common reflection, just as common was the construction of the vocal and musical architecture of the work.

Challenge to the laws of physics

“For The wars of Ulysses the boys have worked in small groups of 7-8 boys in a large room for the whole winter. With the effort of keeping 1.5 meters distance between one musician and another and still be able to weave the web of notes “.

The debut and the war

We debuted 6 days after the invasion of Ukraine. Who will be able to listen to the audiobook will understand how words and music were of great emotional impact on everyonespectators and authors of the performance.

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Live performance

The release of the E-book The wars of Ulysses precedes by a few weeks the next performances of the John Lennon band on 29 September at Mirandola Memory Festival and on 2 October in Modena.

