Asphalt projects delayed due to lack of nitrogen experts | Inland

They will be postponed until after 2025, Minister Harbers and State Secretary Heijnen (Infrastructure) write to the House of Representatives, while the House is involved in the debate about nitrogen. And then it remains to be seen whether the available nitrogen space allows the asphalt projects at all.

Few nitrogen experts

The delay of the projects is related to ‘limited availability of nitrogen experts’, which not all ongoing projects can call on at the same time. “It is inevitable that some projects will be delayed more,” write Harbers and Heijnen. “Because it concerns projects that are necessary to keep the Netherlands accessible, safe and livable, that is not an easy choice.”

In consultation with regions, the government has determined which road renovations can still proceed on time on the basis of a number of conditions, such as reducing congestion bottlenecks and the speed with which projects can be completed. For those projects, nitrogen calculations should be available at the beginning of 2025. Only then can a start be made on the other projects. Due to the scarcity of nitrogen experts, they can count on a minimum delay of two years.

Problems remain

Other projects may also be in jeopardy because of the nitrogen problem, the letter shows. “In recent years, the nitrogen dossier has proved to be an uncertain factor. It is expected that this will continue to be the case in the coming years, until the structural approach to nitrogen and the National Program for Rural Areas (NPLG) have sufficient effect,” according to Harbers and Heijnen.

The two ministers, in collaboration with housing minister De Jonge, are also focusing on accelerating roads and public transport for housing projects. The cabinet has submitted a request to regions and municipalities, on the basis of which about 70 projects have been submitted. In total, the cabinet is allocating 1.2 billion euros for this. These subsidies are subject to conditions. For example, the houses must be ‘affordable’.
