Analysts have new records for Bitcoin: “100,000 dollars in a year now” | Nieuws

The bitcoin coin is due for the first time in 2021 and has raised $50,000. The opmars of the largest cryptomunt the world suffers from analysts and cryptobelievers opnieuw tot wilde voorspellingen. “$100,000 is not worth it,” says Geoff Kendrick van de Britse banking group Standard Chartered.

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The product of the Bitcoin has an opmerkelijk manufacturing method in the scandals in the open jars, so that the large trading platform FTX will be available in 2022. The price of the FTX exchange was at the beginning of 2023 for 16,600 dollars.

The opmars wordt vooral gereven door the optimism around the introduction of American Bitcoin funds in January. The American beurswaakhond SEC gaf op 10 januari zijn long-awaited goedkeuring voor de komst van deze drew up bitcoin ETFs. The fund has become a crypto player for a larger group of beleggers, which is also used in the army and the weapons of the digital currency. There are also large institutional investors who invest in the digital world.

Record for 2021

In the loop near the source of the Bitcoin ETF’s, the Waarde of the Bitcoin is always a nimble opmar. The previous year he paid 160 percent to around 43,000 dollars. In 2022 the real gold in the coin is 65 percent in gold. The Bitcoin, which was introduced over a year ago, reached a record level of around $69,000 in November 2021.

“$200,000 by 2025”

Various analysts and crypto believers monitored the arrival of new records. “The value of $100,000 is still worth a year,” writes Geoff Kendrick Standard Chartered for Business Insider. The analyst monitors that by 2025 the level of 200,000 dollars will be reached.

The coins of Bitcoin will last for several years. © Google


Analysts from zakenbank Bernstein zijn voorzichtiger. These monitored the coins of Bitcoin and this year can be worth up to 70,000 dollars – net is higher than the previous record.

The website ‘Coindesk’, specialized in new cryptocurrencies, reports that traders in digital markets have a large weekend option – the right within a specified period in the amount of money sold, soms for a huge price – the Bitcoin price is 65,000, 70,000 en 75,000 dollars.


Opgelet: the coins of Bitcoin can be easily eaten, and the wild ones are in all directions, and the coins can be placed in the right direction. Now Bitcoin in 2021 is on a new record, the value of the coins is less than 16,600 dollars.

ESMA, the European authority for effects on markets, was responsible for a variety of issues before the depositors in Bitcoin lost money to three people.

Fundamental goods

‘Financial Times’ spoke with experts who monitored the “sound adoption” of Bitcoin. “How he coopts and works, is possible to see,” says Professor Jim Angel, the finance professor at the University of Georgetown in the US. “The price of Bitcoin is always very fluctuating on the basis of the real believers who want to buy, and the price of Bitcoin is skeptical that they want to sell.” Volgens hem gaan geruchten en voorspellingen about Bitcoin bijna altijd about “technical analysis on short termijn” and bijna nooit about “fundamentele waarde”.
