Amerikaanse marine zoekt apparatus with neergehaalde balloon | Buitenland

The Amerikaanse marine is on day one operation started om the Chinese balloon that died later that day over the United States two mountains. The Americans had the ‘spy balloon’ called for by the art of the state of South Carolina.

An oversight official has been assigned to an office in Bloomberg, where the Americas government monitors sensors and equipment that can be used to make detailed photos. Also within the Congres de vraag zijn gesteld of de vracht van de ballon technology bevatte made for de VS and hun bond notes.

The ballon, which then American media in the grootte had van 3 buses, which then followed China and a flight ship for the wet traffic area that the door overpowered and which was geraakt. Beijing says that there is no need for the balloon “an overduidelijke overreactie” the bovendien in strijd is met with international practices, onder sea omdat de VS not van Tevoren aan China weten dat de balloon zou been neergehaald, toen the beslissing eenmaal genomen.

Onderdelen van de Ballon zijn spread over a piece of ocean van eleven kilometers long terechtgekomen. Het water is there zo’n vijftien meter diep. Het is de verwachting dat duikers en kraanwerkers de ballon en diens vracht de komende dagen boven water krijgen.
