Alpine skiing live: Garmisch-Partenkirchen downhill (women) in the live ticker | 01/29/2022 11:30 am


Nicol Delago (ITA)

With Nicol Delago, the next Italian copes much better on the track for a long time, in the middle section her ride is no longer quite as clean. On the way to the final gates, it twists her a bit in one swing and she falls! Thankfully, she doesn’t appear to have hurt herself more seriously.


Federica Brignone (ITA)

Federica Brignone is 0.77 seconds behind in the middle section and doesn’t seem to feel very comfortable there either. 1.71 seconds behind bring her 18th place at the finish.


Romane Miradoli (FRA)

The Frenchwoman was fastest in training yesterday, but today she lacks the last speed. That’s only eleventh place.


Elena Curtoni (ITA)

Elena Curtoni is sober after her ride. After the third time measurement, the Italian was too far behind to place in the front. A mortgage of 1.60 seconds puts them in 15th place.

12:10 p.m

Joana Haehlen (SUI)

Joana Hählen puts in a technically very appealing ride until she too loses time on the difficult right-hand bend towards the end of the middle section. After that, she first makes up ground again, but then suddenly loses control and almost falls a few goals before the finish line! The Swiss stays on her skis and takes eighth place.

12:07 p.m

Miriam Puchner (AUT)

Mirjam Puchner finished yesterday’s training in second place, today the ÖSV athlete is not quite as far ahead. A not entirely happy ride in the middle section lets her take eleventh place in the end.


Christine Scheyer (AUT)

Christine Scheyer’s satisfaction at the finish isn’t exactly written all over her face either. She also leaves a lot of time in the lower section of the track, she is new ninth.


Ramona Siebenhofer (AUT)

Ramona Siebenhofer does not get a good run and shakes her head at the finish. Especially in the lower section of the course, the ÖSV athlete doesn’t really get along with the course setting, so that in the end only twelfth place jumps out.


Jasmine Flury (SUI)

Jasmine Flury is in excellent shape for a long time until she loses her balance in a right-hand bend in the middle section and touches the snow with her hand. Afterwards, the Swiss caught herself again, she can be happy about second place after her run with a deficit of 0.55 seconds!


Ilka Stuhec (SLO)

Ilka Štuhec is the next driver’s turn. The Slovenian carries it far out in the middle part, so that she has to take a small detour afterwards. After that, things don’t really go smoothly for her either, she is eleventh, 2.88 seconds behind.


Stephanie Venier (AUT)

Stephanie Venier also loses significantly in the second split compared to Corinne Suter, who is in the lead. After that, the Austrian kept the gap somewhat within limits, but no more. 1.17 seconds behind mean eighth place.


Kira Weidle (GER)

With Kira Weidle it is now the turn of the only DSV driver. The first intermediate time is correct for the German, but after the second time measurement, Kira Weidle is already clearly 0.45 seconds behind! Afterwards, the German didn’t really find her way around the fast course either, a well-ridden final section brought her at least third place at the finish. Of course, there are still many female riders to follow.


Elisabeth Reisinger (AUT)

A little further back in the tableau will be Elisabeth Reisinger, who can still make up some time in the lower section of the track, but did not drive the fastest line before. She is new fourth place.


Corinne Suter (SUI)

Now, with Corinne Suter, a very promising candidate follows for the day’s victory. The Swiss finds her way onto the track very well at the top and also finds a good level of risk and control in the narrow passage in the middle section. Corinne Suter confidently brings her ride to the finish and moves up to the top of the rankings with a clear lead of 0.78 seconds!


Cornelia Hütter (AUT)

Cornelia Hütter also does her job very well at the top, although she drives a little less cleanly than Nadia Delago at one point or another. In the middle section, however, the Austrian leaves less time than the Italian and in the end is seven hundredths ahead of the previous leader!


Nadia Delago (ITA)

Nadia Delago finds a very good line at the top and is very fast in the downhill crouch. The reward for this is a whopping 0.59 seconds lead after the third split time! In the narrower passages in the middle section, the Italian does not remain flawless, but Nadia Delago still has a nine-hundredth lead at the finish. She takes first place!


Priska Nufer (SUI)

How is the first Swiss doing? Nufer is seven hundredths ahead at the top, but Priska Nufer has problems with the middle section. She can still catch up a little below, but she is still 0.44 seconds from first place.


Tamara Tippler (AUT)

The next ÖSV driver is struggling in the upper section of the route and after two time measurements is almost three tenths behind Ariane Rädler. Tamara Tippler then copes better, but she also shies away from the last risk on the icy track. She is third at the finish.


Ariane Radler (AUT)

With Ariane Rädler, it is the first Austrian’s turn early on. The ÖSV athlete carries it far out in the middle section in a right turn, but then she finds a fast line. With a lead of 0.11 seconds at the finish, Ariane Rädler moves into first place.


Marie Michele Gagnon (CAN)

It starts, the Canadian starts with good visibility. Marie-Michèle Gagnon makes a concentrated and safe drive. Possibly other runners approach the gates even more directly at one point or another. She crossed the finish line after 1:41.79 minutes.


Weidle the only DSV runner

With Kira Weidle, the DSV is only sending one driver to the start today. The 25-year-old, who was second and fifth fastest in the training runs, wears start number nine.


Corinne Suter seventh starter

Today the Swiss Ski Team consists of seven riders. The first Swiss in the starting box will be Priska Nufer with start number four. Corinne Suter wants to aim for a top position from seventh on the grid, Jasmine Flury and Joana Hählen with starting numbers 12 and 16 are a little later. Jasmina Suter and Noemi Kolly follow as 22nd and 25th runners, respectively, Stephanie Jenal finishes for the Swiss team with start number 34.

11:09 a.m

Eleven-strong ÖSV squad

The ÖSV starts with a large team, eleven Austrians are on the starting list. Ariane Rädler and Tamara Tippler are starting with starting numbers two and three respectively. Cornelia Hütter (6th starter), Elisabeth Reisinger (8th) and Stephanie Venier (10th) follow. The aforementioned Ramona Siebenhofer (13th), Christine Scheyer (14th) and Mirjam Puchner (15th), runners-up in yesterday’s second training run, follow a little later. Furthermore, Sabrina Maier (21st), Nadine Fest (23rd) and Vanessa Nussbaumer (32nd) fall down the slope from an Austrian point of view.


Two top favorites to win the day

Sofia Goggia, who is by far the best downhill skier of the current season with four victories after a fall last weekend at the Super G in Cortina d’Ampezzo, cannot compete today due to injury. In their absence, Ramona Siebenhofer, who has two podium finishes and two fourth places this winter, and Corinne Suter, fourth in the downhill from Cortina d’Ampezzo and fastest in training on Thursday, can all hope for victory on the day. Breezy Johnson, who is third in the discipline classification after Sofia Goggia and Ramona Siebenhofer, is also injured.


Departure of the women in Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Have a nice Saturday morning and a warm welcome to the women’s Alpine Ski World Cup in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. On the last race weekend before the Olympic Games, two speed races are on the women’s agenda: today at 11:30 a.m. the athletes will contest a downhill run on the Kandahar, tomorrow a Super G is scheduled for the same time.


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