Almost half people from Brabant do not want a forced location of asylum seekers’ center in their own municipality

People from Brabant are not looking forward to the arrival of an asylum seekers center (azc) in their municipality if the national government enforces this. Almost 48 percent of the respondents from our province object to the government designating a location in their municipality, 38 percent think it’s fine and almost 14 percent have no opinion about it.

This is apparent from a survey by the Kieskompas among approximately 9,000 Dutch people in the first two weeks of September. Because there is a shortage of reception places, the government can designate locations.

In Friesland, the fewest people object to the arrival of a forced asylum seekers’ center in their own municipality. 52.6 percent of the inhabitants have no problems with this. Also in the provinces of Noord-Holland (51.2 percent) and Gelderland (50.1 percent) more than half of the population is allowed to have an asylum seekers’ center in their own municipality.

So people from Brabant are less generous. It is striking that also in Overijssel, where demonstrations were in the municipality of Tubbergen after designating an asylum seekers’ center, only 42 percent of the population is against a designated asylum seekers’ center.

Young people versus the elderly
Young people are less likely to object to an asylum seekers’ center in their municipality than older people. 54 percent of young people do not mind if the cabinet designates a location in their municipality. This is 44 percent among the over-65s. Women are less likely to object to an asylum seekers’ center imposed by the cabinet than men, according to national data.

The researchers have not made a breakdown by municipalities in Brabant.
