“Al-Andalus, the legacy”: Islamic traces in the Iberian Peninsula

★★★★ To interest the vision of this admirable Spanish documentary miniseries of six episodes, it is convenient to stop at what its title means. The term “al-Andalus” designates areas conquered by Arabs and Muslims in territories currently belonging to Spain, Portugal, France, Andorra and the British isthmus of Gibraltar. As for the legacy, it refers to the fact that this region, for eight centuries, was a land of exchange of knowledge and knowledge, where the mixture of cultures helped define the Western world, as we know it today.

It is that the traces of Islamic peoples, their monuments, uses and customs, in European lands since the 8th century, are still in force and cover disciplines such as medicine, astronomy, architecture, agriculture, industry, art, culture and science, among other branches.

In order to trace them, an exhaustive documentation work was undertaken with more than eighty experts and thirty locations. Devoid of leadership, the unmissable shipment appeals to the testimony of experts and professors of literature, mathematicians, research professors, historians, architects, engineers or specialized writers. That melting pot of voices contextualizes the circumstances in which the most remarkable discoveries were developed during that period. It adds the attractive dynamic of exhibiting period drawings, shown in high resolution or old digitized texts.

This exposes the indelible mark that, since the year 711, that army of Moors and Berbers (from North Africa) left when crossing the Strait of Gibraltar to take a Hispania inhabited by Visigoths who professed the Christian faith. In fact, today, even the character of the Spanish and Portuguese, evidences that coexistence between Christians and Muslim and Jewish minorities.

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