Agnocasto: what it is, the health benefits and how to best use it

It is a precious ally for health, especially for women. Dr. Turco explains how he helps restore hormonal balance

Roberto De Filippis

Vitex agnus castus. This is the scientific name of the chaste treea characteristic plant of the area Mediterranean and of theCentral Asia. It is a small tree, whose leaves have a smell reminiscent of that of sage. With purple-colored flowers, it has fruits with an elongated shape and of a shade that oscillates between black and red. The fruits of this tree themselves contain very precious substances for health, particularly for women.

what is chasteberry

Chaste tree is a natural remedy capable of regulate the production of pituitary hormones which has positive effects especially on women. “To be precise it is a modulator of the secretion of these hormones, which works by bringing them back into balance and, consequently, reducing the symptoms linked to excesses or deficiencies. The action of this natural remedy is aimed above all at the production of prolactin, a substance which, if in excess, favors menstrual irregularities” explains the Dr. Gabriella Turco, surgeon expert in phytotherapy and homeopathy. For this reason, chasteberry is particularly useful to women who usually have a irregular menstrual cycle and to those who suffer from premenstrual syndrome. In fact, she is able to alleviate numerous symptoms that characterize the period preceding the start of menstruation, such as water retention, irritability, insomnia, anxiety and abdominal swelling.

the benefits

The effectiveness of the chaste tree against this symptomatology can also prove invaluable in another very delicate phase of the woman’s life, namely the perimenopausal period. In fact, in the moments preceding the onset of menopause this natural remedy also helps to reduce both the frequency and intensity of hot flashes. Furthermore, the chaste tree can also prove to be a precious ally for people (including men) who suffer from abdominal pain due to an alteration peristalsis intestinal, i.e. those involuntary movements of the muscles of this part of the body thanks to which food moves along the intestine. “By restoring effective peristalsis, the chaste tree attenuates painful spasms in the abdomen. In fact, an orderly contraction of the intestinal smooth muscles allows the correct transit of the substances contained” explains Dr. Turco. L’antispasmodic effect of this natural remedy also gives relief in case of pelvic spasms that occur during the menstrual cycle. “The effectiveness of chaste tree against anxiety, irritability and insomnia is not limited to cases in which these problems are linked to menstruation” specifies the expert.

how to take chasteberry

As a phytotherapeutic remedy it is possible to use chaste tree in different formulations. For example, you can add i dried fruits (the so-called “monks’ pepper”) to about 200 cc of boiling water, leaving them to infuse for 10 minutes and sweetening everything with a little honey. In the form of tincture it is advisable to take 25 drops in two inches of water. In both cases, it should be taken twice a day. L’dry extract of this natural remedy should instead be taken at a dose of 25 mg per day. The chaste tree is also contained in many food supplements indicated to reduce discomfort related to the menstrual cycle and menopause. “It should be taken for at least three months, while women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome should take it in the 15 days before their period” suggests Dr. Turco. It is important to avoid taking risks do not exceed the doses indicated by your doctor. Finally, pregnant women and those with breast cancer problems should renounce the use of this natural remedy thyroida gland with a delicate balance, which the chaste tree could alter.
