Aardbevingen meet Indonesia and Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea | Buitenland

A group of islands in Indonesia in the east of Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea was met by a third party with a force of respectfulness 6.1 and 7.6 on the judge’s board. This is reported by the Europees Mediterraan Seismological Center (EMSC).

Being in the region of Oost-Nieuw-Guinea from the planes at a distance of 80 km (49.7 miles), from the EMSC. The American Oceanographic and Meteorological Agency (NOAA) had a tsunami wave occurring within a straight line of 1,000 kilometers from the epicentre, because it was intussen weer dried.

The USGS is located at the airport registered at 66 kilometers east of the city of Kainantu and at 90 kilometers from Diepte. The tsunami wave occurs within a road of 1,000 kilometers from the epicenter. Before that, it is still reported that there are claims of a pity.

Het land Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea beslaat het oostelijke deel van het eiland Nieuw-Guinea in the Still Ocean.

Eerder op de dag trof een aardbeving met een kracht van 6,1 op de schaal van Richter nabij de Mentawai-eilanden in Indonesia. The beving of the plaats op een diepte van 40 kilometers, allus het EMSC.

Day will be the Indonesian province Papoea, located in the western part of the island, still met by the disappearing aardbevingen. Het island is located in the drawn name “Pacific Ring of Fire”, a hoefijzervormige zone was about 90 percent of all aardbevingen occurs.
