Drenthe high on the list of European corona fires

Drenthe is relatively high on the list of European regions with the most corona infections. Drenthe is currently in 19th place, with 4,251 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. With this, the European health service ECDC gives our province the color ‘dark red’.

RTV Drenthe reported last Monday that an average of 1,638 positive tests per day were registered in the past week. This made the average higher than a week earlier, when 1,280 corona cases were discovered daily in Drenthe.


Groningen had relatively the highest number of positive tests in the Netherlands in the past two weeks. In our northern neighbors, 4,654 per 100,000 inhabitants became infected. With this infection rate, the province is in thirteenth place in the regional European list.

North Brabant, Friesland, Limburg, Overijssel, Gelderland and Utrecht are also in the top 30. The ECDC divides Europe into a total of 215 regions.


The European health service ECDC makes a map every Thursday about the state of the epidemic in Europe. All regions turn green, orange, red or dark red, depending on the number of positive tests and vaccination coverage.

The map is intended to give policymakers a clear overview of the corona situation. There are no automatic travel recommendations.
