tips from ordinary people and doctors

In Europe, the next wave of a surge in morbidity against the background of the spread of the omicron strain. There is a tangible decline in Russia covid infections… During the day, less than 16 thousand cases were detected, this is less than yesterday, and the absolute minimum since June last year… But doctors do not exclude: a quick surge in the incidence is possible in Russia. This can be avoided only by the earliest possible acquisition of herd immunity, which is achieved at a tangible rate of vaccination of the population.

Yuri got his first vaccination exactly one year ago, in January 2021. Revaccinated in June, today he again came to make the second component of “Sputnik V” at the mobile vaccination center in the capital. “And the father is 92 years old, and the wife, and the children – we are all vaccinated,” – says the man.

The Penza region entered the TOP-10 constituent entities of Russia in terms of the rate of vaccination against a new coronavirus infection. Those wishing to be vaccinated were found on December 31, on New Year’s Eve, and on the first day of 2022. With each passing day of the vacation, the number of people wishing to be vaccinated only increases.

Regions are stepping up prevention measures. For example, the ski resorts of Karachay-Cherkessia are introducing a new fashion for the North Caucasus. The first express laboratories in the region appeared here.

“In 15 minutes you will find out what the cause of your illness is: either it is a new coronavirus infection, or it is a simple ARVI,” says Alexey Gramotnev, a representative of the laboratory.

In Moscow, even on holidays, you can get immune protection in mobile vaccination centers; they are located in shopping and entertainment complexes. There are usually no queues here. The whole procedure will take no more than half an hour.

And here is a tip from the doctors from the academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Leo Bokeria… For those who have been seriously ill with covid, he strongly recommends reading books out loud. This, according to the academician, contributes to the restoration of the respiratory muscles of a person who has suffered covid pneumonia.

“I have a method, maybe someone will hear me. I have recommended to many of my friends, acquaintances, when they got sick, to read any text aloud for 15 minutes, in one hour and 15 minutes. Nothing is more effective than reading aloud, in It is impossible to suggest this situation. You can even read the description of the refrigerator, so that it is not so disgusting. “

Immunization of the population will help preserve health and avoid a surge in the incidence of a new strain that has now covered Europe, which will help develop herd immunity, which today is 62%, which is still not enough to completely defeat the virus.


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