Teeth, a new drug is coming that makes them grow back

StSounds like science fiction, but it’s science. And it is also particularly revolutionary. A group of Japanese researchers led by Katsu Takahashi, director of the department of dentistry and oral surgeryKitano hospital in Osakais developing a drug that would be able to cure thedental agenesis, that is, the congenital lack of one or more teeth. Here’s what it is and where the research is.

Missing teeth, the revolutionary drug

L’dental agenesis it is a pathology that affects 5% of the population and about 10% in the case of children. I study, published in the authoritative PubMedis focusing on developing a drug which has had excellent results with animals is that by July 2024 it should be tested on humans.

Goodbye dental implants?

This new drug could represent the beginning of dental regeneration medicine. An epochal change in dentistry that could significantly reduce the use of implants.

“The idea of ​​growing new teeth is every dentist’s dream. I’ve been working on it since I was a graduate student and I was sure I would be able to make it happen,” said Katsu Takahashi.

Towards a “third dentition”

After milk teeth and the growth of so-called “definitive” or “permanent” teeth, thanks to this new drug we could think we could have a “third dentition”, in case of loss of dental elements.

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If you don’t have adverse reactions on the human bodywill be aimed at treating children aged 2 to 6 who present anodontia, a genetic disease rare characterized by the congenital lack of all teeth deciduous and/or permanent.

“This treatment could allow people to regrow lost teeth, just like children grow new baby teeth in after they fall out,” adds Dr. Katsu Takahashi.

