The Sant Joan Day opens its doors to the extra range

The vallenses say that saint john is where it all begins. The ‘castellera’ season in Catalonia It’s been running for months now. But on June 24 in Valls, the festival of its patron, is synonymous with great ‘castells’. It is the first day of the year in the Plaza del Blat, and where the two ‘colles’ from Valle, the Xiquets de Valls Youth Group and the Colla Vella Xiquets de Valls, faces are seen, and they show all the work they have done in previous months. It is a performance that generates a lot of expectation, despite the heat, and it takes place at one in the afternoon with a shining sun.

The night before, the Night of CompletesIt was a tasting of the intentions of each ‘casteller’ group. The Colla Vella Xiquets de Valls unloaded the 4d8a, which wanted to raise it one more floor, the 3d9f, the 5d8 and the pd7f, also with the intention of raising it one more floor. While the Colla Joves Xiquets de Valls had also unloaded the 3d9f the Nit de Completes, accompanying it with the 5d8 and the 4d8. For the first time, they released the pd6 this season. With confidence and homework done, both they faced Sant Joan with great morale.

First round

The draw carried out last week to know the order of performance determined that the Colla Vella Xiquets de Valls was in charge of opening a square. And he did so when, after playing ‘Els Segadors’, they began to assemble the nucleus of the 3d9f, the ‘castell’ they chose to start the day. They did not think twice, and they threw up the structure that went up firmly, and without any problem. Those in the pink shirt managed to download it showing great mastery and a very good execution. Now it was the turn of the Colla Joves de Valls, which also started with 3d9f.

Joves wanted to expel nerves, and gain confidence by downloading this ‘castell’. Also they threw it up the first time. The ‘castell’ went up well, but it closed a bit on the upper floors, which made it difficult for them to unload it, but they did not suffer excessively. Good start of performance by the two ‘colles’ who were willing to make premieres during the day.

Extra range in second round

In second round One of the most anticipated moments arrived. And it is that the Colla Vella wanted to try for the first time this 2023 a ‘castell’ of extra range, of maximum difficulty. This year no band had downloaded one yet, and the pink shirts wanted to be first. ANDThe ‘castell’ chosen was 4d9faIn fact, during the previous months they had already downloaded the 4d8fa up to four times, with one floor less. They dismantled their first ‘peu’ when ‘terços’ and ‘quarts’ had gone up, because they did not quite see it clearly. The second ‘peu’ was the good one. The structure of the 4d9f went up in a mess, and with the ‘quints’ and ‘sisens’ that worked, but with a good rhythm. The pillar was perfectly synchronized, and when the ‘gralles’ touched the ‘fin’ of the 4d9f, the ‘acotxadora’ of the pd7f was already positioned inside waiting for the ‘enxaneta’. The Plaza del Blat went crazy when the ‘dosos’ came down, and the pillar was left uncovered. The ‘terços’ were released, and the ‘castell’ was loaded, but those in the pink shirt were hungry, and they managed to download it, showing that they have a very good ‘espadat’. The euphoria was contagious next to those of the Vella and the shouts of celebration could be heard between the chant of “oé, colla Vella, oé”. First extra range of the year in the ‘casteller’ world, and of the season by the Colla Vella.

Now the turn to Joves de Valls, who also wanted to win their challenge of the day: the 4d9f. Just like La Vella had done, they did a dismounted ‘peu’, and in the second they threw the ‘castell’ up. He went up agitated, and very nervous, and a whiplash made the children decide to go down and remain dismounted in an attempt. Far from lowering their arms, they quickly embarked on a new roadmap, and they opted for 5d8, a ‘castell’ that they had already downloaded once this year. It went up a little jumbled, something usual because a lot of people go up, but it settled down, and they managed to unload it without any obstacle.

‘Round of castles’

The Colla Vella wanted to end the ‘round of castles‘ and they bet on the 4d9f. The ‘castell’ went up scrambled, and made work on the ‘folre’, even the ‘enxaneta’ at one point doubted whether to back down. However, she managed to unload, and they already looked at the pillar, which should be the icing on the cake.

On the other side of the square they did not want to give up their objectives, so they did not give up, and they decided again on 4d9f. It seemed that this time the ‘castell’ went up better, but the ‘folre’ was working, and when the ‘dosos’ were placed they did not see it clearly, and decided to back down. To end the ’round of human towers’ they decided not to risk it and unloaded a very good 4d8.

After the long wait, La Vella culminated in the best possible way: downloading the pd8fm. A pillar that the ‘manilles’ and the ‘quint’ worked hard, but which caused euphoria on the part of the group that, once unloaded, asked for “one more floor& rdquor; referencing the pd9fmp. Joves discarded the pd7f, and finished the performance with the pd6.

“Bittersweet” feeling

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edu allhead of the Joves de Valls group, explained that he had a “bittersweet” feeling for not having been able to download the 4d9f, but that this “worked for them since it had not fallen” and sooner or later they will take it back to the market.

For his part, manel urbanogroup leader of the Colla Vella, sand he seemed very happy. He assured that all the planning they had done at the beginning of the season had been exceeded, and that now they had to see what the next challenges for the group are. Regarding the pd9fmp, he said that “it’s not a priority” and that “many other things come before it”.
