Municipal Elections | Yolanda Díaz embraces the unity of the left in Seville and Malaga and points the way for Sumar

05/22/2023 at 2:39 p.m.


The vice president calls to stop the “Bonilla effect” and the left tries to mobilize the working-class neighborhoods in the face of the threat of Vox

Yolanda Díaz made her campaign debut in Andalusia with a rally in Seville and another that will be held this afternoon in Malaga. The vice president goes to two places where the left has reached very broad agreements in candidacies that include IU, Podemos and More Country, together with other forces such as Equo. A model of alliances that is the objective of his political project Sumar and a way of staging that unity when Podemos has not yet cleared what its role will be in that candidacy for the generals. His warning was clear, you have to mobilize from the unit because “everything hangs by a thread & rdquor;. The political act tried to be boycotted by several feminists against the ‘trans’ law who already tried to break up the Ione Belarra rally days ago in Seville.

In Seville, the numerous published surveys ensure that there are a technical tie between PSOE and PP and that the mayor’s office It will depend on the alliances. of these parties. The data also warns that Con Andalucía, the broadest candidacy on the left, can obtain worse results than Vox, which polls say can go from the two current mayors to three. This growth of the extreme right would give the PP the mayor’s office and evict the PSOE. The only left that has been left out of the alliance in Seville is Forward Andalusia, the party of Teresa Rodríguez, who is fighting to enter the city council autonomously. If that mayor of Adelante does not come out, the remains could give that third mayor to Vox, confirming the damage of going to the polls divided. “It is so that a part of the left makes them look at it & rdquor ;, IU leaders in Andalusia pointed out before the rally.

The “Bonilla effect”

The message of Yolanda Díaz, who accompanied Susana Hornillo (Podemos), who heads the candidacy, and the number two on the list, Ismael Sánchez (IU), tried to mobilize the vote of the left in a working-class neighborhood, in the San Jerónimo Park. “Polls say that everything hangs by a thread but the thread is called Susana Hornillo, because if she doesn’t win the extreme right will win& rdquor ;, warned the leader of Sumar. After attacking bipartisanship and denouncing that PSOE and PP practice the same policies if there are no alliances with the socialist left, her message was firm: “Vote so that those who want to destroy everything do not consign it & rdquor ;.

The left estimates that a first part of the campaign has been monopolized by the issue of including those convicted of terrorism on the Bildu lists and that “this national noise& rdquor; it has served the right to mobilize its electorate to the maximum. They believe that the five days of the campaign that lie ahead will be decisive in achieving the mobilization of the left and that everything is at stake in this final stretch.

“The only Bonilla effect is the devastation it is producing in Doñana & rdquor ;, assured Díaz raising the tone with the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno (PP). “Efecto Bonilla is a ruler who in times of climate emergency says that prefers to irrigate golf courses& rdquor ;, he pointed out, criticizing what he considered “indecency & rdquor ;. The left appeals to the climate emergency and denounces the controversial bill that extends the irrigation in Doñana to try to erode the Andalusian PP. Not a word about the project of 300 luxury villas in Trebujena, in front of Doñana, which was promoted by an IU mayor. “There is not a good PP and a bad one& rdquor;Diaz said, equating Moreno with Isabel Díaz Ayuso and his proposal to put pots on the balconies of Madrid to fight climate change.

power outages

The left-wing candidates in Seville puffed up their chests for the achievements of United We Can in the Government of Pedro Sánchez. The IU leader Ismael Sánchez asked that the Vox candidate in Seville stop “stigmatizing & rdquor; to the working-class neighborhoods and called her “fascist”. “How proud Julio Anguita would be of us, the one with a program, program, program but also unity, unity, unity & rdquor ;, he pointed out number two on the list after boasting that Seville is the left-wing list with the most political formations, eight total.

The Con Andalucía candidate, Susana Hornillo, from Podemos, warned against demobilization and alerted against messages that say that everything will be the same and that “it’s the same if you vote or what you vote for.” Her message was for this “other Seville & rdquor ;,” not so famous & rdquor ;: “The unknown Seville of inequality, job insecurity and power outages, which is not talked about & rdquor ;. The poorest neighborhoods of the city have a problem with power cuts and Endesa is a target of the left in this campaign for not undertaking the necessary works to put an end to the blackouts, which the electricity company blames on problems such as marijuana crops or illegal hookups.
