British authorities warn of Eurovision security threats

The Eurovision security arrangements are carefully planned. Hollandse Hoogte/Shutterstock

The British authorities are relieved that of King Charles the coronation weekend was peaceful. The troubles are by no means over, as the authorities’ next concern is the security of Eurovision.

– The primary concern was never the coronation, but Eurovision, the source reveals CNNfor the magazine.

The Merseyside police authorities responsible for the security of the event still want to emphasize that there is no significant terrorist threat. The biggest concern of the British authorities is protecting the participants of the event from lurking threats.

– Thousands of participants enjoy the local nightlife, which means potential targets for organized crime. On the other hand, it is a competition that is at times very political, especially regarding the war in Ukraine, the source reflects.

For this reason, the authorities believe that Russia, which is likely to be excluded from Eurovision, may try to disrupt the competition with some art.

Why would Russia want to ruin Eurovision?

Last year, when the war in Ukraine broke out, Russia was banned from participating in the music competition. Russia is known to take Eurovision seriously, so bitterness could be one of the motives behind the attack.

Officials speculate that Russia’s second possible motive is Britain’s nola and Ukraine’s snub. After all, this year’s Eurovision represents cooperation between two countries – countries that are the two biggest thorns in the Kremlin’s flesh.

Many artists and spectators from around the world participate in the Eurovision Song Contest held in Liverpool. In the picture, for example, Portugal’s Eurovision representative MimiCat. Stella Pictures

The authorities suspect that Russia might sabotage the Eurovision voting, which will be done digitally again this year. According to the source, the voting system is vulnerable to cyber attacks or fake votes that Russia might try to create. In addition, by hacking social media and chat channels, Russia would be able to spread chaos and false information.

Attacking Eurovision would be idyllic for Russia, because the program is watched by millions of people around the world.

– This is a very good platform. If you were pursuing an issue, an ideology, or had a disagreement with someone or the government, what would be a better way to get your message across? You would have the attention of the whole world, says an official source.

What are the measures taken by the British authorities?

The authorities are prepared for the previously mentioned threats. Merseyside Police are planning to deploy around 5,500 officers to Liverpool for Saturday’s final. In the event area, you will see, for example, armed officers and security fences.

According to the authorities, the best way to guarantee the safety of the Eurovision Song Contest is above all to spread the word to the locals and those participating in the event.

– A few weeks ago, we published a vigilance campaign, the purpose of which was to bring the community into the police operation. What better way to strengthen security arrangements around an event like this? The source says.

The wrapper will fight for the Eurovision win on Saturday, May 13. Stella Pictures
