Joint plan for the Wadden area | News item

News item | 26-04-2023 | 10:15

Flood risk management, quality of life and accessibility are some of the subjects on which the adopted Wadden Region Implementation Program 2021-2026 will focus. After the status of Natural World Heritage by UNESCO in 2009 for the Wadden Sea, it was time for a different view of this unique nature reserve. The implementation program is an initial elaboration of the Agenda for the Wadden Region 2050.

This implementation program includes 30 initiatives that give substance to the sustainable protection and development of the Wadden Sea as a nature reserve and to a safe, vital, sustainable and resilient Wadden area.

An example of such an initiative is the approach to the coastal zone, which examines, for example, how flood risk management can go hand in hand with nature and recreation. There is also attention for strengthening the quality of life on the Wadden Islands, with accessibility as one of the most important aspects.

Minister Harbers: “It is important that we start working together on the preservation of the Wadden area as a unique nature reserve in the Netherlands, which must be and remain liveable and easily accessible. The Wadden Region Implementation Program 2021-2026 gives substance to this.”

Minister Van der Wal for Nature and Nitrogen: “It is good that the Wadden Region Implementation Program 2021-2016 is now available. The Wadden Sea nature policy framework is part of the implementation program and I would like to shape this with the parties involved.”

In December 2020, the national government, the Wadden provinces, mainland and island municipalities, water boards, nature organizations and the business community in the Wadden Region jointly drew up an Agenda for the Wadden Region 2050. The Agenda consists of ambitions, goals and strategies of the national government and the region. The purpose of the implementation program is to develop short-term actions based on the Agenda. The establishment of the implementation program marks the start of a long-term and close collaboration of many parties in the Wadden area.
