Sad record of anti-Semitic crimes in Berlin

Anyone who wears a kippa in Berlin must expect to be attacked.  The number of anti-Semitic crimes has risen again

Anyone who wears a kippa in Berlin must expect to be attacked. The number of anti-Semitic crimes has risen again Photo: picture alliance / dpa

From the BZ editorial team

Hate and hatred against Jews are increasing in Berlin. According to the Attorney General’s Office, the number of anti-Semitic crimes reached a new high last year.

According to anti-Semitism officer Florian Hengst, 691 cases were registered. “Unfortunately, the steady increase has continued and we are seeing a really significant increase.”

In 2021 there were 661 cases, in 2020 there were 417, in 2019 386. There is a tendency to underpin anti-Semitism with conspiracy stories, according to prosecutor Hengst.

Jews are made responsible “in a malicious way” for things with which they have nothing to do.


