Residents of Ruinerwold and Blikkenstein contribute ideas about a new traffic plan

But how is it then? Some residents have an idea. “Look, if you make an extra roundabout from the N375 to the industrial estate, then you don’t have to go through Bleidenstein with the trucks,” suggests a participant. “But then you have land from the municipality of Meppel and a provincial road, then you are a few years further,” concludes another resident at the table.

Should there be a second bridge? The first traffic light of the municipality of De Wolden? A road where cars are subservient to cyclists? Or an agricultural lock to discourage traffic? Residents have all kinds of ideas. Yet most of the drawings lead to the same thing: a new road. Blikkenstein must be closed to traffic from the cemetery and a second road from the De Meeting artwork leads traffic to the De Hoge Akkers industrial estate.

The municipality continues to work with the drawings of the residents. Subsequently, preconditions such as the farmyards, landscape integration, archaeology, protected nature, water storage and the difference in height still need to be considered. The municipality is making 50,000 euros available for research.
