A student dies in an Ourense institute when a wall collapses

A 3rd year ESO student from IES Julio Prieto Nespereira of Ourense has died after being hit by a wall that collapsed in the sports center of the light center at the edge of 2:00 p.m. The fall of the wall that separated the showers from the rest of the locker room in the center’s sports center forced to mobilize patrols from the Local Police and the city’s Fire Service to attend to the emergency.

The event occurred in the last school hour, generating widespread alarm among parents who were waiting at the door to pick up their sons and daughters. The minor’s body still remains inside the center. The facts were confirmed by Telmo Ucha, Councilor for Citizen Security of the Council of Ourense.

After hearing the news of the death, the delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Ourense, Gabriel Alén, canceled all the events he had for today, showing his condolences for the tragic event and the maximum support “to the family of the deceased minor and the entire educational community in difficult times”.

student criticism

Speaking outside the school, Alén declined to confirm the age of the deceased or the circumstances of the minor’s death. He also did not respond to the criticism that, after the collapse, took place outside the institute, where members of the school community and former students denounced the poor state of the children’s locker room area.

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On this particular aspect, classmates of the deceased child and the injured minor have stated that the wall “had been moving for a long time and had not been repaired for years.” “It could have been worse, but other teammates managed to escape when they saw that it was collapsing,” they declared.

Technical report

It has been the head of the Investigating Court number 3 of Ourense, on guard duty, who authorized the removal of the body and has ordered the performance of the autopsy. Likewise, she has commissioned a technical report on the state of the wall and a complete photographic report, in addition to the seal of the area until it is determined what has happened.
