My planet needs me | Albert Sáez’s article

Valentina and Miriam came to see me a few months ago to propose this project that tries to combat what they call “ecoanxiety”, that is, the anguish that their generation feels about the consequences that their way of living has for the future of the planet. The truth is that it seemed to me a very suggestive approach. We talk, and a lot, about how laws and politics have to change to save the planet, but this is not at odds with the changes that each one of us also has to make.

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Very often, we use each other as an alibi not to act. Many citizens think that if governments do not do what they have to do, it is not worth committing. And many politicians or business managers think that if citizens do not change their ways of life, there is no need to change the laws. You have to break that loop. And that is what Valentina and Miriam intend in some way in the episodes that they will publish.

The premiere of this new product coincides with the imminent celebration of a new climate summit in early November. This time in Egypt and in a highly worrying context. The invasion of Ukraine and the consequent increase in energy prices has given wings to those who are looking for any excuse to delay, for example, the energy transition. Some coal plants have reopened or delayed their closure. The planet belongs to everyone and it needs us all to prevent what is urgent from taking over what is important.
