Works in sight on L4 of the Barcelona metro: new section in 2023

  • TMB puts out to tender the renovation of the tracks between the Barceloneta and Verdaguer stations

The Barcelona metro line L4 will live a service cut in 2023 to renew the tracks through which the convoys circulate. This substitution takes over from the one carried out this summer on L5, both aimed at facilitating the maintenance of the infrastructure and reducing the vibrations felt by the residents of the buildings closest to the route.

The work, not yet announced, has come to light through a bidding Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB) on September 29. As you have progressed Open Metropolis and EL PERIÓDICO has been able to confirm, the estimated cost of the contract is 16.9 million euros and the intervention is the responsibility of the Generalitat de Catalunya. It focuses on the section included between Verdaguer and Barceloneta stations.

Though The call anticipates that the works will last throughout July and August of 2023, TMB clarifies that the schedule is not final yet. “It will probably be done in the summer, but the dates and phases have to be finalized with the Barcelona City Council & rdquor ;, TMB sources clarify, in response to this medium.

And it is that the administrations usually prefer the summer to carry out works in the infrastructures, since labor mobility decreases and consequently the number of passengers affected. However, in this case the Barceloneta stop registers large summer influxes because it gives access to the beach and a cut could saturate the alternative media. “They will be done in the way that least impact on the seasons and it will be taken into account that it is a tourist area & rdquor ;, they resolve.

Cut at L4

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According to the tender, the works will have two phases of approximately one month each. The first operates between Bogatell and Verdaguer stations, while the second reaches Barceloneta. Preliminary and subsequent works, such as tests and placement of new signage, can be done at night so as not to have to cut off the service for so many days. However, the replacement of tracks does require interrupting the operation of the line.

In addition, the tender mentions several improvement works in the ‘ghost station’ of Correos, closed since 1972 and located between Jaume I and Barceloneta. Not to reopen this unique stop, but to preserve unique elements such as the last advertising posters it wore or the sign with the name ‘Post Office’.
