a concert in Mallorca announced three years ago is canceled

07/12/2022 at 21:16


An individual, who presented himself as from Maluma’s environment, appeared in 2019 to rent the place where the concert was to be held in Mallorca

An individual, who presented himself as from Maluma’s environment, appeared in 2019 to rent the Plaza de Toros de Palma for the supposed concert that was supposed to be held this Sunday, July 17. This individual, also Colombian like the famous singer, paid the stipulated amount to reserve the Balearic Coliseum for this show. As the due date approaches, the suspicion of fraud has taken shape. The event of the famous Latin artist will not be celebrated.

The reservation contract for the Plaza de Toros de Palma for the supposed Maluma concert it was formalized before covid-19, three years in advance. Last year it was insisted that it would be held on July 17, 2022, this Sunday, after overcoming the pandemic. Now, a few days later, it has been confirmed that the event will not be held.

The first clear indication that Maluma’s long-awaited concert was not going to take place was the Withdrawal of Mallorca from the poster of the official European tour of the Colombian artist. In the meantime, his faithful followers maintained the total conviction that the singer was finally going to act. The cheapest ticket could be purchased for 50 euros and the most expensive for him GoldRing reached 124 euros each, in a pack of four. For its part, the company that owns the Plaza de Toros de Palma has completely disassociated itself from the actions of this contractor. “We don’t know anything. He paid the money stipulated for the reservation of the space and indicated that the concert of the Colombian artist would be held on the 17th.”“The withdrawal of the poster for Maluma’s European tour from the Mallorca concert was already sufficiently revealing that it was not going to be held”, points out a Majorcan music promoter who knows how this type of event works. This businessman misses a clear statement from the Colombian artist that the event has been suspended. “Maluma’s manager should give explanations on social networks about what is happening in Mallorca,” he stresses.

The absence of a promoter and an organizer of the Maluma concert in Palma also gives clues to the irregularities. “Behind the entries must appear at least a CIF or a NIF of the contractor. This has to give a clue as to who is behind the hiring”, indicates this promoter. This tax identification number can lead to the Treasury opening an investigation around the contractor. “It’s going to crack”predicts this businessman.

Faced with a possible fraud of these dimensions, the most advisable thing is that those affected come with their ticket to Consumption. “A joint complaint can have much more force”specialists recommend.

For its part, The National Police urges those affected by this alleged scam with the alleged Maluma concert to go to their offices to file the corresponding complaint. “It is always advisable to report. If the concert were finally held, nothing would happen. It’s also an easier way for them to get their money back.”police sources indicate.
