The best ally for unforgettable moments

2021 had not ended with the end of the closure of everything due to the pandemic when Jorge Calandri and Agustín Cardoso – gastronomists, with more than 15 years working in event catering and gastronomy – partnered with Federico Fitte, with extensive experience in the catering business. the distribution of beverage and food brands in retail, to create El Galpón Outlet de Bebidas. “The initial idea was to function as a place to sell beer with a volume discount. Although the discount sales scheme works, we made progress based on demand, guiding and advising the client for their personal purchase, personal and business gifts. Always trying to get closer to the final consumer, understanding that he is the one who, ultimately, values ​​the service and supports him with his purchase”, assures Federico.

– What kind of services do they offer?

In this way we add the planning and advice for the purchase of drinks, bars or tables of drinks in small to medium parties, and we offer the return of 20% of the purchase that they have not used; which collaborates, in most cases, so that the client enjoys their event and puts aside worries about miscalculations or subsequent returns. On the other hand, understanding what they ask of us, we direct part of our resources to provide a comprehensive service for the purchase of gifts, which are given throughout the year, and not just for the holidays. In addition, the reopening of bars and pubs gave us the opportunity to offer purchases by planned order. Every week we communicate with our customers in the field to inform them of the news and help them plan their month of work, designing a pricing strategy, which today with the permanent adjustments in values ​​and availability -especially imported merchandise- has become a valuable tool for them.

– What are the most commercialized products?

If we consider the market demand, we turned to high-end fine wines, local and imported gins, vodka, aperitifs and Scottish, Irish, Japanese malts, etc. Today we work directly with 20 leading wineries, and we are adding labels as we see that they are in demand and are installed in the purchase decision of our customers.

– In addition, they have a very interesting logistics solution service for the digital sale of their suppliers.

Yes, sometimes the logistics of your digital sale are very expensive and we offer you, free of charge, on-site storage and the Pick Up Point service for your online customers.

– And for the purchase in the premises is there any news?

Yes, starting in July we will be offering uncorking of the purchase to consume in the place, with the possibility of requesting a menu of chopped tables and adding one more meaning to the shopping experience in the premises. This idea arose from various tastings that we are carrying out with friendly wineries, where customers stayed afterwards enjoying some tables and drinks and they kept asking us for this to add to the shopping experience. And for the future we are thinking of competitive logistics solutions to be able to cover a greater number of clients and expand our range of products, without neglecting the personalized relationship, which is what gives us a reason for being.

Junín 1281 -between Juncal and Arenales- Barrio Recoleta – CABA

WhatsApp: +54 9 11 2523-6337

Mail- [email protected]

IG: @outletgalpon


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