The facts at a glance: what exactly is nitrogen, and what is the problem? † NOW

The nitrogen targets of the cabinet again led to a lot of protest among Dutch farmers on Friday. For those who have lost the thread in this long-drawn-out file, will list the facts. Because what exactly is going on?

First a little chemistry: the atmosphere is made up of about 80 percent nitrogen (N). This is normal and not harmful to people, animals and plants. We even need nitrogen to live: four fifths of each breath consists of nitrogen.

But if nitrogen attaches to oxygen (O) or hydrogen (H), reactive nitrogen is created, and those substances are harmful to people and nature. Such as nitrogen oxide (NOx) or ammonia (NH3). These nitrogen oxides are mainly emitted by industry and traffic. Agriculture is largely responsible for ammonia emissions.

Reactive nitrogen is bad for nature for several reasons. Some plant species grow faster on nitrogen, so they benefit from the man-made nitrogen surplus. For example, orchids and grasses become overgrown by nettles. Ultimately, this leads to a loss of biodiversity. Not only in terms of plants, but also because the habitat of animals that benefited from the disappeared plants is affected. Nature then ultimately consists of fewer plant and animal species.

The Netherlands has 162 so-called Natura 2000 areas, which must be protected in accordance with European rules in order to preserve biodiversity. That does not work well, because there is too much nitrogen in ninety of those protected nature areas.

The Netherlands has the highest nitrogen emissions in Europe: per hectare our country emits about four times as much as the European average. Other countries must also comply with nitrogen guidelines to protect nature, but in the Netherlands it is a much bigger problem. We have a lot of livestock (so a lot of nitrogen emissions) on a small surface and that often next to nature reserves. That is why the situation here is much more dire than, for example, in Germany. That country is much larger and industry and agricultural areas are not as close to nature reserves as here.

In short: something must be done about that harmful nitrogen, as the judge also decided a few years ago already. The nitrogen problem is not new at all. But for years, permits for industry and agriculture were handed out with the idea: we’ll compensate those nitrogen emissions later. Only that never happened.

In 2019, the Council of State ruled that this could no longer be the case. After all, nitrogen emissions actually increased. Shortly afterwards, the first measures were taken. The maximum speed on the highway during the day went from 130 to 100 kilometers per hour. Also, no more permits were issued to build houses in Natura 2000 areas (which is necessary in view of the housing shortage). Those were temporary solutions. Now a larger, permanent plan is being worked on.

In some areas, emissions have to be reduced by up to 95 percent. “This is a bit like the day we all knew would come,” said Minister Christianne van der Wal (Nature and Nitrogen).

Agriculture is the first to be tackled in the new nitrogen approach, because almost half (46 percent) of all nitrogen in the Netherlands comes from agriculture. And those farms are often located near the Natura 2000 areas. In addition, almost a third comes from abroad over the border. Road traffic is responsible for more than 6 percent, as are households. The rest, almost 10 percent, comes from aviation and shipping, industry and construction.

Although farmers are responsible for a very large part of the nitrogen emissions, less nitrogen will have to be emitted in all sectors in the future. No later than 1 October, the industry, transport and other sectors will also be involved.

The provinces will determine exactly how nitrogen emissions from farms are reduced. They must come up with a plan by summer 2023 at the latest. They may deviate slightly per area from the nitrogen targets per area, but all in all, the national target must be achieved. By 2030, three quarters of the nature reserves should have a safe nitrogen level again.

And that means: nationally, nitrogen emissions must be halved. In some areas, the space will have to be completely overhauled to achieve the goals. Many farmers will have to stop, downsize or start working in a different, more sustainable way. There is money to buy out farmers, but many farmers don’t just want to close down or adjust their business – often their life’s work.

Although it is a huge blow for farmers, it would not be disastrous for Dutch food production if (many) farms disappear or shrink. 70 percent of what farmers in the Netherlands produce goes abroad. So even if there are fewer farmers or if they produce less food, there will be more than enough left over to provide the Netherlands with food.

In response to the announced nitrogen plans, a large group of farmers protested at the home of Minister Van der Wal on Friday evening. The Farmers Defense Force advocacy group also announced a large-scale demonstration on Wednesday, June 22.
