More and more Ukrainians want to go home, the first refugees have already been put on a plane | NOW

The Ministry of Justice and Security sees a marked increase in the number of Ukrainian refugees seeking help to return home. The first two Ukrainians returned last Thursday with the help of the Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V). A suitable flight is being sought for others, says a spokesperson after questions from

Many more Ukrainian refugees are expected to return home in the near future, the spokesman said. The ministry says it has received “signals” that their help will be needed more often in the coming period.

Between 10 and 20 May, the DT&V received 165 emails with various questions about assistance with departure, and specific requests. Until the beginning of May, the DT&V only received “sporadic” requests for help for return.

It is not clear how many Ukrainians have returned in total. Because there is no reporting obligation, it is in any case not clear how many Ukrainians are staying in the Netherlands in total. According to the latest official figures, about 60,000 refugees registered with a municipality. The DT&V only knows about these Ukrainians whether they want to return.

Influx of Ukrainians is also decreasing

The increasing outflow of Ukrainian refugees probably does not yet outweigh the influx. Between 11 and 18 May, 1,740 Ukrainians registered with Dutch municipalities. Nevertheless, State Secretary for Asylum Eric van der Burg sees that the influx of Ukrainians is also weakening. “People are still coming, but at a slower pace,” he said Friday.

So far, 46,000 shelters have been realized for Ukrainians, of which almost 38,000 are in use. This means that 82 percent of the reception capacity has been used. Van der Burg wants to expand the reception capacity to 75,000 beds in the short term.
