No Limburg fireworks ban for Ukrainian refugees

The province of Limburg sees nothing in a fireworks ban to protect Ukrainian refugees. The GroenLinks faction had asked for this, because quite a few large events are concluded with fireworks shows. GroenLinks fears that the bang will evoke fearful memories of bombings or shelling among Ukrainians. But the Provincial Executive (GS) responds that a fireworks ban is not in it.

Consent can only be refused if there is a danger to human health or the environment, according to GS. A municipality can, however, impose restrictions on the setting off of fireworks, for example if public order and safety are at stake.

GS therefore see no grounds to ban the lighting of fireworks. “We will, however, point out to organizers of events that report fireworks or request ignition permission to the sensitivity you have outlined,” said GS in response to questions from GroenLinks. For example, organizers of major events with fireworks must inform the surrounding area, including reception areas for refugees, in advance. According to the province, this can be done via a notification in a free local paper.

A permit must be requested from the province for setting off fireworks outside the permitted time around the turn of the year.
