Stop masks on the plane, but in Italy the obligation remains to the masks on flights within the European Union starting today, even if it remains “strongly recommended” for frail subjects and for “those who cough or sneeze”. This will not be the case, however, in Italy, where the obligation will remain until 15 June.

On the new guidelines drawn up by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (Ecdc) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (Aesa) for safety in air transport, however, not all Italian virologists agree.

Stop masks on the plane, the yes and no of the experts

Fabrizio Pregliascofor example, professor at the University of Milan and medical director of Irccs Galeazzi, stated that will hold the mask on the plane and that even the frail should do so.

While Maria Rita Gismondo stated that “the new protocol says (only) to move from obligation to common sense“. For the director of the Laboratory of clinical microbiology, virology and bio-emergency diagnostics at the Sacco hospital in Milan, the mask on an airplane remains «advisable for frail people».

Approveinstead, the stop to the mask on EU flights the Director of Infectious Diseases of the San Martino Polyclinic in Genoa, Matteo Bassetti. For him “in Italy there is a Taliban and anachronistic attitude that only hurts.”

stop masks on the plane

From today, May 16, in-flight masks will no longer be mandatory

Stop masks on the plane: the directives

Despite the new guidelines, all countries where the use of masks on means of transport remains mandatory will be an exception. This is the reason why Italy will keep it in force until June 15th.

As stated in the notes, in fact, “if the states of departure or destination require the use of masks in public transport, aircraft operators should require passengers and crew to wear them beyond May 16“.

However, encourage passengers to wear it

In the other cases, from today 16 May, the situation changes. But the aeronautical and airport operators, we still read, “They should continue to encourage passengers and crew members to wear a face mask during the flight as well as at the airport. As a way to protect yourself and others. Respecting the decision of others to wear or not to wear a mask ».

Stop masks on the plane: vaccines allow it

As stated by Andrea Ammon, director of the ECDC, it is true “the risks remain”. But it is quite evident how “the interventions and vaccines have allowed our lives to return to normal“.

Hence the decision to cease the mandatory use of the mask. This does not mean, however, that it does not remain important continue to consider the fundamental safety devicealong with physical distancing and good hand hygiene.

